9/3-9/6 - First Week of Cohorts!
BCA Staff Details
Jayme Martin
Assistant Director of Academic and Instructional Support
Jayme Martin was born and raised in rural Montana. She understands what it means to have to plug in your car (not the electric kind), drive around with bags of kitty litter or a couple bales of hay in the back for traction, 95mph is a leisurely cruising speed, and one has to chase the buffalo out of the horses feed.
After high school, she moved to the Long Beach peninsula in Washington, where she met her best friend and husband Kevin. Following job opportunities brought Kevin and Jayme to the foothills of the beautiful Cascades, where their family grew to four. Being the mom to two small boys has humbled and strengthened Jayme. Everyday she lives the definition of Boy {n.} = Noise with dirt on it.
Jayme's interests are anything outdoors. She loves camping, hunting, fishing, off-roading, kayaking, ice skating, hiking and exploring. She is passionate about being optimistic and hopes it is contagious in the lives she impacts. She is a positive person who wants to believe the best in others. She likes to be helpful and encourage people to live life to the fullest.